About the Linguistic Cues to Social Meaning

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Contents: Title | Aimes and Scope | Frequency | Editorial Board CompositionISSNs | ISO 4 | Short Names | Publishing Model | Article Processing Charge | User Rights | Author Rights | Publisher | Crossref Membership | Social Media

Journal’s Official Title

Linguistic Cues to Social Meaning


It is a peer-reviewed journal focused on publishing the articles of all types with a highest quality dedicated to different topics of linguistics and communication.

All articles will be peer reviewed for acceptance by editors for publication in the journal.

Authors will be notified of this desicion and at the same time requested to pay an Article Publishing Charge (APC). Making our humble contribution to the global fight against Covid-19, the journal guarantees 100% APC waiver for submitted articles related with pandemic and communication. Following payment of this charge (synonym: fee), articles will be made universally available and no further charge through linguisticcues.org.


2 online issues (ie, numbers) a year (from December 2021).


  • Editorial Board (EB) composed with persons who deeply involved into analysis of languages, communication, and especially addressing.
  • The publication records of all EB members are consistent with the stated scope and published content of the journal.
  • The journal have a full-time professional editor.
  • Gender distribution of the editors and EB members: 20% women, 80% men, 0% non-binary/other, and 0% prefer not to disclose.


Online (synonym: electronic) ISSN: 2786-5177 

The National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine

The journal is registered by the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine as print media (Decision of 2024, April 11, No. 1225). The identifier of print media R30-04317.


The  journal is included to Scilit database (Basel, Switzerland).


Linguist. Cues Soc. Meaning

Standard abbreviation usually used in references, ie, when authors are citing an article from a particular journal. In this case, the dots may not be used or put one dot at the end of the last title`s word which is abbreviated.

Example: Fesenko IP. Linguistic Cues to Social Meaning: inaugural issue of a new journal. Linguist Cues Soc Meaning 2021;1 article in press. https://doi.org/10.23999/j.lcsm.2021.1.1


Be free to name the journal in conversations shortly as Linguistic Cues Journal or Linguistic Cues.


The journal`s Editor in Chief is dedicated 15 years of his life to the research of adrressing in different languages. His developments prooved by the mutiple published articles and textbooks. Igor P. Fesenko, PhD, ScD is second (after the Margaret Schlauch) world known person who performed deep analysis of the thou-you transition in a single person addressing.


It`s a "gold" open access printable online peer-reviewed journal.


An APC (synonym: open access publication fee) is payable by the authors or research funder to cover the costs associated with publication. This ensures your article will be immediately and permanently free to access by everyone.

The APC for Linguistic Cues to Social Meaning journal is $500 USD, excluding taxes.

  • For articles submitted between 21 August 2021 and 21st August 2022 there is a 75% introduction discount.
  • For articles submitted between 21 August 2022 and 21st August 2023 there is a 50% introduction discount.
  • For articles submitted between 21 August 2023 and 21st August 2024 there is a 25% introduction discount.


All papers published by the Linguistic Cues to Social Meaning will be free to every person to download, read, copy, and distrubute. Permission for reuse will be defiened by your choice of one of the next user licenses:

  • Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY): let others copy and distribute the article, to extracts, abstracts, and other revised versions, adatpations or derivative works of or from an article (such as translation), to include in a collective work (such as an anthology), to text or data mine the article, even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit the author(s), do not represent the author as endorsing their adaptation of the article, and not modify the article in such a way as to damage the author`s honor or reputation.

  • Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND): For non-commercial purposes, lets others copy and distribute the article, and to include in a collective work (such as an anthology), as long as they credit the author(s) and provided they do not allert or modify the article. 


For open access publishing this journal uses an exclusive licensing agreement. Authors will retain copyright alongside scholarly usage rights and OMF Publishing will be granted publishing and distribution rights.


OMF Publishing, LLC is an academic publisher focused on medical and linguistic sciences.

Publisher`s website: omfpublishing.com


OMF Publishing, LLC is a member of Publishers International Linking Association, Inc. which doing business as a Crossref.

OMF Publishing`s active membership: From February 2017 to present. 

OMF Publishing`s obtained prefix for creating Digital Object Identifier(s) (DOI): 10.23999.

Journal`s DOI: 10.23999/j.lcsm.2022.1.1

Crossref`s headquaters address: 50 Salem Street, Lynnfield, MA 01940, United States.


Instagram page of the journal: @linguistic_cues

Instagram page of the publisher: @omf_publishing